Monday, May 7, 2007

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Eclipse 3.3 M7 News

Eclipse 3.3 M7 News

Here are some of the cool features:

**Quick access To quickly access UI elements such as views, commands, preference pages, and others, use the new Quick Access dialog, available under Window > Navigation and bound to Ctrl+3 by default. Start typing in the filter field to see matches. For example, to open the console view, type Ctrl+3 followed by "con". One of the first matches will be to open the console view. You can use the arrow keys to select a different match for a given filter string. Press Enter to select the highlighted entry. This will execute the command, or open the view, perspective, or wizard etc.

Ctrl+3 shot 1

Your previous choices will be remembered and shown the next time the dialog opens. If you enter the same filter string again, the entry you picked last time will be selected automatically.

Ctrl+3 shot 2

Using the initials of the words you are trying to find, you can narrow down your choices using very few letters. Here are two examples of this:

Ctrl+3 shot 3

Ctrl+3 shot 4

Editor area drag and drop

Dragging external files (i.e., from the Windows file explorer) on to the editor area of a workbench window has the same effect as
Open File
. Also, you can now drag an editor between workbench windows associated with the same workspace.

**Double-click + mouse move to select words in editors
Words can now be selected using double-click + mouse move.

**English spelling dictionaries An American and a British English dictionary are now part of the SDK:

Picture showing the dictionary section from the Spelling preference page

Spell checking is now enabled per default. The feature can be disabled with the new Disable Spell Checking quick assist.

Tip: It's recommended that you set a user dictionary to collect custom words that are not part of the lexicon. This can be configured on the General > Editors > Text Editors > Spelling preference page.

Introduce Parameter Object refactoring

Introduce Parameter Object is a new refactoring that replaces a set of parameters with a new container object. All calls to the method are updated to pass the new parameter object class.

Use cases:

  • group parameters which logically belong together; e.g., Date start, Date end, String newValue, String oldValue
  • reduce number of parameters
  • provide useful defaults in the parameter object
  • pass the parameter down the call chain

To execute the Introduce Parameter Object refactoring, select a method, invoke Refactor > Introduce Parameter Object, select parameters that should be used as fields and give meaningful names.

Screenshot showing the the Introduce Parameter Object refactoring dialog

The following code snippet

Method before refactoring

will be modified to

Method after refactoring